there are lot if things ladies cant't live without, but in our research, we were able to detect 5 MAJOR THINGS they definitely can't live without:

1. Fashion is something both men and women can't live without, but ladies are more concerned than men. A man can most at times live without thinking of what to wear, but a lady just can't stop thinking about what to wear, its natural.

2. Money is another thing they can't live without, day in day out, women need  a lot of money to be able to survive.

3. Parental care, women can't without their parents, especially their mothers, they always want to get close to them to be able to learn more from them and be responsible in life.

4. women can't live without love and affection from another being, women mostly have a fragile heart, therefore they seek comfort from people close to them to make them feel loved.

5. Happiness is one of  the major aspect of it, women actually can't live without happiness.

These are the 5 things women can't live without, what do you think?

Write your thoughts and comments here and lets know what you think..
5 THINGS WOMEN CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT?? 5 THINGS WOMEN CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT?? Reviewed by sammy on 02:10 Rating: 5

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