Having Chest Symptoms? Get Help ASAP!

If you are not sure that you are having a heart attack and you need to know more, try answering these questions:

1. Are you having discomfort in the middle of your chest?
2. Are you having any of the following chest discomfort symptoms: Fullness within the chest, burning within the chest, aching within the chest, tightness within the chest or similar type symptom?
3. Do these chest discomfort symptoms come and go?
4. Are these chest discomfort symptoms worse with activity and disappear when you rest?
5. Are you reluctant to tell someone of these symptoms?
6. Are you reluctant to call because you think your mild symptoms do not warrant doing so?
7. Do you have any of these other associated symptoms: Discomfort that goes from the chest to your left arm or to your jaw, clammy perspiration, shortness of breath, nausea or dizziness?
8. If you carry with you nitroglycerin, does the nitroglycerin seem to take away the discomfort within 5 minutes?
If you answered yes to most of these questions you owe it to yourself to get these symptoms checked out immediately at the nearest hospital's Emergency Room or Chest Pain Center. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Having Chest Symptoms? Get Help ASAP! Having Chest Symptoms? Get Help ASAP! Reviewed by sammy on 08:23 Rating: 5

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